
Aluminum great wall clips

Aluminum clips

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Auminum sausage clips

(we produce more than 30 different types of ES-clips)   


ES-clips are used for a variety of different purposes but predominantly in the meat processing industry for packaging of sausages, salamis, etc… Mostly these clips are used by small to medium size meat processing plants.

They are suitable for use with pneumatic clippers which use compressed air to close the clip, as well as manual machines which are operated with the help of a lever. The manual machines are lighter and mobile while the pneumatic clipper is self standing.

Besides meat processing,ES-clips are also used in other fields of industry. One of these is the food processing industry where clips are used to seal bags and nets which can contain fruit or vegetables (apples, oranges, potatoes, etc.).

In the production of hard cheeses ES-clips are used to seal the cheese in plastic bags which are later thermally processed in hot water.

ES-clips are also used by the chemical industry to pack different types of products (e.g. industrial explosives, etc.).

One of the most important applications of ES-clips is in the preparation of repromaterials for the meat processing industry. The clips are used to seal one end of the casing and so facilitate the production process.

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